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Saying part of the problem is “using too many dependencies” is not an overly helpful thing if the ecosystem keeps on trying to download 3Gb of build dependencies because you tried to use some simple little library. The problem is obvious, it’s the solution that is much more difficult.

It's not a problem when you compare it to C. You have few available dependencies to choose from with C. If you are equally picky and constrain yourself to parts of the ecosystem which care about binary size, you still have more options and can avoid size issues.

For things like a kernel, it is moot as most deps are simply not possible to use anyway.

When you consider the full ecosystem, you need to really compare it to alternatives in largely managed languages like Java, go, node, etc. those binaries are far larger.

> If you are equally picky and constrain yourself to parts of the ecosystem which care about binary size, you still have more options and can avoid size issues.

What's an example of this for, say, libcurl? On my system it has a tiny number of recursive dependencies, around a dozen. [0] Furthermore if I want to write a C program that uses libcurl I have to download zero bytes of data ... because it's a shared library that is already installed on my system, since so many programs already use it.

I don't really know the appropriate comparison for Rust. reqwest seems roughly comparable, but it's an HTTP client library, and not a general purpose network client like curl. Obviously curl can do a lot more. Even the list of direct dependencies for reqwest is quite long [1], and it's built on top of another http library [2] that has its own long list of dependencies, a list that includes tokio, no small library itself.

In terms of final binary size, the installed size of the curl package on my system, which includes both the command line tool and development dependencies for libcurl, is 1875.03 KiB.

[0] I'm excluding the dependency on the ca-certificates package, since this only provides the certificate chain for TLS and lots of programs rely on it.

[1] https://crates.io/crates/reqwest/0.11.24/dependencies

[2] https://crates.io/crates/hyper/0.14.28/dependencies

> If you are equally picky and constrain yourself to parts of the ecosystem which care about binary size, you still have more options and can avoid size issues.

The market and your boss do not care about that. They want tasks X and Y done. You have no time to vet 15 alternatives and pick the most frugal one in terms of binary size. Not to mention that for many tasks you have no more than 3-4 alternatives anyway, and none of them prioritize binary size. What are you going to do? Roll your own? Deadline is looming ever closer, I hope you can live without sleep for several days then.

We all know the ideal theory.

> if the ecosystem keeps on trying to download 3Gb of build dependencies because you tried to use some simple little library.

Downloading 3GB of dependencies is not a thing that happens in the Rust ecosystem. Reality is orders of magnitude smaller than that. Why are you exaggerating so much?

Some people bristle at the thought of external dependencies, but if you want to do common tasks it makes sense to pull in common dependencies. That’s life.

> Downloading 3GB of dependencies is not a thing that happens in the Rust ecosystem. Reality is orders of magnitude smaller than that.

Assuming they're talking about the built size of dependencies that are left lying around after cargo builds a binary, they're really not exaggerating by much. I have no difficulty of believing that there are Rust projects that leave 3GB+ of dependency bloat on your file system after you build them.

To take the last Rust project I built, magic-wormhole.rs [1], the source code I downloaded from Github was 1.6 MB. After running `cargo build --release`, the build directory is now 618 MB and there's another 179 MB in ~/.cargo, for a total of 800 MB used.

All this to build a little command line program that sends and receives files over the network over a simple protocol (build size 14 MB). God forbid I build something actually complicated written in Rust, like a text editor.

[1] https://github.com/magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole.rs

I am not a fan of this as well but you have to consider that a good part of these are caches.

This is why XCode, Android Studio/NDK, VC++ and co have such huge sizes people complain about, compiled binaries for all major variations of compile flags are part of the download.

Also why those GNU/Linux repos are actually multiple DVDs nowadays.

> GNU/Linux repos

I'm not sure I understand your point with these, as of course no one ever installs the complete repository (e.g. all of Debian), because there's a ton of software in it you don't need or want. Assuming you mean the installation media, at the very least Arch Linux is still less than 1 GB.

Moreover, I think the point in comparing the behavior of Rust dependencies with other ecosystems (C, C++, Haskell, Python) is that most of this cruft is left behind in the individual directories used to build the software. I occasionally write programs to solve some problem, or for fun, and usually I have to download nothing at all, because I can rely on the dependencies supplied by my system and already installed on behalf of other programs (yes, I'm well aware that this doesn't cover all use cases). Rust is fundamentally not designed to work that way, and the large build sizes and huge dependency trees have a multiplying effect on that foundational issue.

The download size may not be a big issue, but all those dependencies take up a lot of storage space once they're compiled.

Maybe they meant node_modules as the joke goes.

I think it was a false equivalence between node_modules and Rust. Like any language where developers rely on a package manager to pull in libraries will necessarily be 3GB in size.

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