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I suspect that only the true believers are left. There were _so_ many actions and warning signs over the last year I can’t imagine anyone thinking it was a good/stable place to work unless they really liked Musk.

I think there's still a bunch of people who have an audience and don't really care about the drama. They're there not to engage, or sell anything, but just to use it as a broadcast medium. But yes why would I ever talk to anyone there? I can just use nitter to read my neets and call it good.

Edit: oh fuck nitter is gone, arrrgh

They meant twitter employees, not users

Right, that was what I meant.

For creators, I’ve heard other services offer much more useful interaction per follower, which would mean either Twitter followers often aren’t shown posts of a large cube of followers don’t care (likely bots).

I don’t think Musks behavior and obvious preferences should be ignored. But even without that it sounds like it’s dead at the core and more people figure it out every day.

There's many nitter mirrors still up

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