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Looks really nice. Couple questions though.

1. What happens if you shut down your service? Will the apps function properly?

2. Any idea how much this will cost? I wonder because it would be possible to implement A/B testing without a problem using Flurry, and that would be completely free.

1. Apps will function properly. It's been a design tenant from the beginning to never have an outage (or shut downage) by us negatively impact our customer's users.

2. We haven't 100% decided yet, but we're heavily leaning towards packaging this service in with our other offering, at the same price point, so you get access to both at once: https://clutch.io/pricing/

Thanks for the answer! The pricing on clutch.io's homepage looks good, I was worried it would get a pricing like parse.com that is in my opinion quite expensive per API call.

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