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Hey genuine question,

Why would anyone bother with learning anymore? When is learning enough to get started?

How will someone get started with work? What qualifies someone to start a new position?

Pretty sure only smart people will be hired for the roles.

No matter what I do, I am forever unqualified, even from junior roles.

1. Have post grad degree

2. Have internships

3. Have only part time or short tenure roles.

But can't get into any industrial role. Why?

Means, I die? What qualifies for a job?

Well one option is to go back to shithole country I came from and just stay there earning pennies. With the money I make there affording a new mac will take 2 years salary. So that is the kind of shithole I am talking about.

Seriously, why?

>Pretty sure only smart western people will be hired for the roles.

Everywhere I've ever worked in tech, in my 20 year career, has had people from all backgrounds.

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