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A random AC employee drinks too much and says "You are entitled to free flights for the rest of your life." Is Air Canada liable?

Since when are contracts enforceable when one party is drunk?

A random AC employee who is having a bad day and hates his employer says "You are entitled to free flights for the rest of your life." Is Air Canada liable?

No, because that's not "reasonable". My dad jokes that he's made a career off of determining what is "reasonable" and what isn't, and he's a contract attorney.

If you were standing at the customer service desk, and instead they said: "sorry about the delay, your next two flights are free", then all of a sudden this is "reasonable".

No, because no reasonable person would think that they had the authority to authorize that. Remember, the legal system is not computer code - judges look at things like intent and plausibility.

Valid contracts usually require consideration

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