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Show HN: HackerNew for Chrome (chrome.google.com)
150 points by tommoor on May 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 89 comments

I've been working on and off on this for a little while, the extension focusses on improved usability rather than design. I can almost guarantee that after a day you won't want to go back to regular Hacker News. Give it a try, features include:

- Improved readability

- Quick inline replies from comments page

- Quick profiles with social network info when hovering over usernames

- Filtering of stories based on terms and phrases / domain or user (try filtering out negativity!)

- Endless scrolling

- Collapsible comment threads

- Social sharing for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Buffer

Forks, improvements and comments always welcome: https://github.com/tommoor/HackerNew

"I can almost guarantee that after a day you won't want to go back..."

Unfortunately I probably won't make it to a day or two. What you really strive for as a designer is more like "I can guarantee that after 30 seconds you won't be going back". I can tell you that I'm already uninstalling it. Don't change the styling-- or at least leave the information density that we've got w/ HN now.

I've been playing with something like this too. What I really want brought over from the Reddit Enhancement Suite is the ability to hide posts and to see updated comment counts.

I don't mind the idea of changing HN's styling if it is easier to read. Unfortunately, something in the contrast with the plugin makes it much, much harder to read. If I could choose different styles (including a "native" option), I would be happier.

I agree with another poster that the share link should not be on the right side of the links below a story: that is memory wired to be the place to click for the comments (either that, or give me a good reason to change that memory).

I like everything else and would use it, notwithstanding the contrast issue. I'll leave it installed and enable it every once in a while to see how it progresses.

I would use it if you didn't change the css, and didn't make share the rightmost link. Also, that "block this guy" popup is really pervasive when you're just roaming around with the mouse. Other than that, really nice work!

I agree about the share link. The "X comments" link is probably the most clicked in HN, and everybody expects it to be the rightmost. It has confused me several times already.

Nevertheless, I'm definitely keeping this extension!

Same suggestion. I like the overall improvements but please don't force the styling. Make it as an option that users can check to disable default styling of HN.

Definitely considering making this an option in the next version

> I would use it if you didn't change the css

Same here. It seems very useful but styling should be optional, some of us realy like how good ol' HN looks.

The CSS needs some cleaning up, I can see a few little issues, but I personally like the new style a tad better. I get the whole hackernews/reddit meme of "thou shalt design the most basic UI and never change it", but these days it feels more like an "engineers idea of a minimum viable UI" instead of a "well-designed, minimalist, useful UI".

This looks good, and while I won't call it better quite yet, I have no strong desire to turn it off, good work!

EDIT: On the mainpage, I dislike the X's that are attached to the right, they're near invisible and then you rollover and all kinds of contrasty things pop up. Also, I dislike the rolldowns for user names. They're unresponsive and you have to click to make them roll-up. As such, they get in the way.

Thanks for the feedback,

The crosses are definitely supposed to be hidden away and not something that you would use all of the time. For the username rolldown's, it is a shame they can't work a bit faster but it's just the nature of the beast - I've added a delay so it is harder to trigger them by accident.

Why not let the users run their own CSS if they want to? I like to use the Georgify user script: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ofjfdfaleomlfanfeh...

It's not very compatible with your addon, unfortunately.

I think you may have misunderstood: If I rollover a username, it drops down a popup. If I move away from the username, the pop-up remains. It notices my onMouseOver to instantly rolldown, but ignores my onMouseOut when I leave.

This disparity in behavior is frustrating, why is activation onMouseOver, but deactivation requires a full click white space to change focus? It should be click on/click off or roll on/roll off, IMO.

Hey, thanks for the feedback!

I wonder why the filter popup is showing a lot for you, it should only appear if you hover over the 'x' symbol on the far right - this should be out of the way for most browsing.

Maybe its just me, I'm always moving the mouse around and selecting stuff while I read. Just so that this post isn't useless, the reason I complained about the css is that I think the light orange bg with black fg is easier on the eyes. I liked that you increased the titles' sizes but the rest of the links are still very small! I browse hn with 150% zoom full-time so having good sized titles and small sized other links or just really oversized everything is kinda crappy!

Please forgive my ignorance, but what's the point of having proprietary web apps for Chrome that could already be achieved with existing HTML5 toolkits?

This just seems to be an effort to "app-ify" the web, that is, create a shitty appstore google owns for websites. I hate this concept and don't understand why people support fragmenting webpages like this. HackerNew may be fantastic, but release it as a website that all browsers can display.

Your point is valid; I'd guess the developer's point in "having proprietary web apps for Chrome" is that there is no cost to run the extension in other people's browsers.

It is a lot more work to do this cross-browser, even with some of the newer toolkits designed to help in this scenario: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913123/cross-browser-ext...

Neat. I started working on a bookmarklet to improve HN last year called Hacker News Enhancement Suite:


I never got the code far enough to announce / release. The long term goal was to also make plugins.

And I actually posted my extension also called 'Hacker News Enhancement Suite' yesterday but no one saw/cared.

https://github.com/etcet/HNES http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3933090

I cannot say how angry/sad/confused this makes me :(

Following the thread: I posted my extension called "HNHance" two days ago but no one saw/cared. It doesn't change the style, just adds hover parent links - something i find immensely useful in long comment threads.

http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/132359.user.js http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3923150

Try writing a blog post about it and submit again (preferably later at night, when there's less competition.)

Also, "Show HN" seems to get a better response than other alternatives.

A few points:

1) There's a subtle difference between the white background of the extension and the border of the browser. We're talking just enough to notice but not enough to quickly see the contrast. I'd say make it completely the same or exaggerate the contrast a bit more.

2) Any way to address the tiny buttons for up vote/down vote? They are so small that I am always afraid that I'll hit the wrong one. Perhaps side by side or more spacing between them.

3) Just for discussion sake, do you think when sharing it should be mentioned that it's come from HN?

4) In-line comments are awesome! How about using a sidebar on the HN homepage for something like preview or better yet, to display comments for the current article with similar styling to preview in Google search results?

5) Endless scroll on the "Comments" page seems to be broken.

I don't know if I can ever go back to the standard HN....Great job!

It's great, except that I can now only see 12 links on the home page... And infinite scrolling is good, but how do you now search ? All the bottom links go further down when you scroll the page.

Damn... I've been working on a userscript to do, well, pretty much what this does; I'd completed thread folding, and was just getting stuck into AJAXy "more" links and reply forms.

Oh well, time for a new hobby project.

[edit: Incidentally, do you find the tables-within-tables-within-tables structure of HN, with some arbitrary variations between pages, as infuriating as I do? Or am I doing something wrong?]

That's all part of the fun ;-)

I've been awfully tempted to have my userscript just completely rip the page layout apart & re-assemble it properly as styled divs, actually. I might still do that.

As someone who just wrote their own extension for HN, I think that's the right way to go about things. Tables are such a pain in the ass and I there were multiple times where I had to talk myself into 'staying the course' and just getting it done rather than starting from scratch with a more sane approach.

I think if you could create a nice minimalist table-parser base it would be useful for any future browser extensions.

Actually, that's really a rather good idea. I'll be sure to Show HN when it's done!

The features are nice but can you make it look more like the Georgify extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ofjfdfaleomlfanfeh... I like how the content is centered with Georgify.

One of the things I like most about Hacker News is that it's one of the few sites left without social media sharing buttons, or as I like to call them, junk. Anything that will add those buttons to sites that don't have them is the antithesis of what I need.

Fully agree. Worst of all are the truculent widget bars that refuse to scroll with the rest of the page. Thankfully the Antisocial subscription for Adblock takes care of them.

I understand that the social buttons are not useful for all, this is why they are hidden behind a click and dynamically loaded. You can completely ignore that link and enjoy the rest of the new features :-)

Endless scrolling is uncool if you want to click any of the links at the bottom of the page, Lists, RSS, Bookmarket. Maybe these links can be relocated to the top of the page? I sometimes go to Lists | bestcomments to find the creme de la creme.

I can really appreciate this extension and the fact you've open sourced it. Thank you for that.

I think a successful modification to the HN feed would leave the same vertical spacing, but somehow make links more easily browsable. Zebra striping perhaps? Eliminating the number on the left or make it smaller?

I like the Share option. That's super helpful.

I'm not really liking the large links or their color.

The hidden filter that only shows on hover should be hinted at, at least, by making it slightly visible.

I think you've abandoned the HN brand. I believe a successful modification to the feed layout would be subtle enough that it wouldn't be immediately noticeable but, rather, generally easier to read.

Wow! The infinite scrolling feature just made me a lot less productive at work. I used to just look at the homepage...

Feature suggestion: could you add a different link to the discussion page? Something more prominent and easier to click?

The styling is really only the tip of this extension :-)

The only missing feature that prevents it to become the ultimate HN extension is to show an icon in the address bar that links the a web page to the HN thread (if available).

Keep up the great work!

This should do what you're after: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/njdndkhkelkeepcnmo...

I've been using it for months and it works great for me.

I want this too! This comes close: http://chetan51.github.com/panels/hacker/


[Hacker News'd!] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/njdndkhkelkeepcnmo...

[Hacker News Sidebar] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hhedbplnihmkekhgma...

But are not perfect and it would be nice to have a single package.

I tried to contribute to this thread but my IP seems to have been blocked after submitting my comment. I included a list of 6 Chrome extensions and their URL that in my opinion improve the usability and features of HN. I'm afraid to submit it again since I don't want the current Squid proxy's IP being blocked also and then I won't be able to read HN until I find a different IP I can route through. Anyone know how long IP blocks last?

Never had a time to give my respect to HN by building my own bootstrap and adding more features (I believe more options viewing HN, the better) but every time something like this comes around HN I follow the thread.

This is what I learnt so far:

- do not change fonts, colors styles.

- do not try to add cool up to date, buttons, etc - most users just got used to the way it is right now - do not add anything between rank position and title. no additional icons, etc. folks here got used to scanning HN certain way and more white space makes it harder to read

How would my HN bootstrap look like?

- wouldnt touch the outlook and add minimum additionals: after # of comment I would add ajax-driven "follow" for the post and "follow for replies" - in threads were there are hundreds of responses its hard to catch up with whats new (who wrote new reply); I know you can lookup your profile to see comments related to yours, but I find it kind of hard it this way and you have to leave to post screen.

- add highlighters to responses. karma is good and many times interesting folks have high karma (duh!) - I would add highlighters (opt in/out) for high karma users when they type response so when I scroll long thread and am limited with reading time, I could at least see posts coming from high karma users

- social features: would add IRC, follow hacker (notify me when he posts new stuff, or write a comments), but would never add all the fb/twitter crap. imho hn being less popular is better. this community is awesome as it is

- would do it never ending scrolling like you did, BUT also make it as refreshless as possible - would load stuff through ajax, also monitor the hottest subjects and preload theirs comments in hidden div so when you click "comments" it would show up instantly and just added missing comments that took place from the moment of last reload (all reloads would be silent ajax-driven) - this would give you feeling that loading data is extremely damn fast.

This is for a good start. One day I will get there as I want to learn Python or Ruby :)

agree on not changing fonts, colors, styles, buttons ...

Yeah. I think lots of people find HN design perfect the way it is and its hard to move on. Its like another Craiglist, I guess.

Btw: my post gets lots of upvotes -- perhaps someone could design some of the features I mentioned...

Not bad! I was previously using a combination of the Georgify and Collapsible comment extensions. Your extension is better in some ways and worse in others.

Suggestions: Collapse link shouldn't be on the far right, and collapsed comments should only show 1-2 lines regardless of actual length. Link color brightness could be taken down a few notches. Reply link shouldn't be underlined.

Ohhh. Thanks for the pointer to Collapsible comment. Trez useful.

Ooo, this is quite nice. I like all of the inline features you added (though inline comments aren't currently working for me --- scratch that, they were just really slow).

Nicely done! I predict, as with all HN re-themes, that someone will soon comment about how article density is less than on standard HN, so I took the liberty of adding it to your GitHub issues :)

Haha, thankyou very much. Hopefully the endless scrolling takes away some of the pain of more readable titles ;-)

One thing I would add is either reducing title size on the front page, or adding an adjustable title size on the front page (and remember that title size). I wouldn't mess with the font size otherwise, it just throws everything off.

Otherwise, this is terrific! Only bad part is endless scrolling may keep me on HN even longer.

Can you add privacy details? It looks like this is using a 3rd party service for social profile data.


The extension queries Google's social graph API to gather information about users profiles - you can find details here: https://developers.google.com/social-graph/

That link goes to:

     'The Google Social Graph API is no longer available'
Anyway, i'm not keen on that. Infinite scroll and CSS should be options, too.

Personally, all i really want is collapsible comments, inline replies, and hiding stories

Anyone know of a script/extension that does just that??

I'd also like to know more about that.

"Your data on hackerne.ws and news.ycombinator.com" sounds very generic and I'm not knowledgeable on Chrome extensions. Does that include POST requests? how about cookies and passwords?

This is my HN for Chrome http://imgur.com/dPcjC

Given my default sans font is set to Droid Sans, all I needed to do was simply zoom-in (Ctrl ++) twice and chrome keep it this way between log-ins and recently between machines as well.

The extension is mainly about additional functionality and ease of use over styling, let me know if you give it a try!

I uninstalled it almost immediately after installing. Cool idea but you shouldn't change the entire look and feel of the site. See Reddit Enhancement Suite as a good example of how to write and present a site addon.

Great idea, it's just too intrusive.

I can't get access to the footer because of the endless scrolling. Basically there's no way for me to access the Search box long enough to type something in. Is it possible to move the footer items to the top or somewhere else?

Nice but it doesn't work if you visit http://hackerne.ws/

Only http://news.ycombinator.com/

I didn't even know that URL existed - i'll add support in the next update :-)

You're also missing news.ycombinator.net and all the https variants.

I added support for you and submitted it to github :)

Merged and pushed to Chrome webstore ;-)


Funny. For me it's the other way round. Does not work on news.ycombinator.com but on hackerne.ws

Please remove this CSS changes, they look terrible.

The features are nice thought.

Like the UI layout, but as others are saying it's not easier on the eyes: try to make the background more dark, not monokai-dark but not this retina-burning white either...

Finally, a way to easily share HN posts! Had to adjust the styling using Stylebot, title fonts are way too big... Can you add an Instapaper button? Would be really helpful

Fantastic work! I'm liking the different feel of the site. Infinite scrolling is a big plus too. Curious to see what else you can do with this.

Just installed it - loving the added spacing, increased font sizes/etc; it makes far better use of the full screen.

I doubt I'll ever be uninstalling this :)

> it makes far better use of the full screen. Not for us poor laptop owners! It's actually the exact opposite :/

This is a great new tool! Thank you very much, HN was one of the ugliest sites I visit daily :)

I guess it's true though, Content IS King.

Looks nice. I'd quite like to see a poll with the various alternative HN themes to see what most people are using.

The HackerNew extension makes searching from the search bar at the bottom of the page extremely difficult.

Endless scrolling is very cool, until you try to click one of the links on the bottom or use the search.

I did consider moving search to the top - what do you think? What stopped me was wanting to augment rather than completely change the current HN experience.

I understand your goal of not completely changing the HN design. However, as the extension works right now, it is literally impossible for me to click the links on the bottom. I can see them for a microsecond if I scroll to the bottom but they instantly get pushed down by a wave of new stories.

The pure white in the background hurts my eye. Isn't it a good practice to make it a little grayish?

So I installed it, but it's not showing up in "Apps" in a new Chrome tab. What am I doing wrong?

It looks good but I rarely visit hackers news' front web-page. I end up getting RSS.

Option to open all links in a new tab would be greatly appreciated

I only wish to have it default to follow links into a new tab.

Good idea, I think the best practice across the web right now is to let the user choose when they want a new tab. Just hit CTRL while you click to create a new tab.

Blue text on a white background is a cardinal sin in design.

Congrats Tom! Been looking forward to using this.

why thankyou good sir.

Missing expand/collapse comment threads.

I really like it, nice job.

It would be nice if the collapse thread link collapsed the parent of the thread, as well, the way reddit's collapse buttons work.


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