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I recently came to tho same conclusion. It doesn’t help that there is still some unreliability and ongoing stabilizarion across the various Zigbee, ZWave and Matter protocols and products, not to mention HomeKit, Alexa and Google Home/Nest services that people have invested into (this includes families, and sometimes even whole home renovations).

While that settles down, HA needs to focus on standardisation and redundancy.

First, there is so much potential from a BIM perspective, but they really ought to think about putting some frameworks in to allow exchange with industry standard modelling and data formats if they want to attract a professional market.

The Industry’s File Classes (IFC) [1] for example could let you tap into building automation, not just homes.

Second, it’s a single host service, which makes redundancy hard. What if the network goes down? What do? MQTT could allow the database and controllers to be multi-homed, but the architecture of the software itself is still a bit too tightly integrated (even if it is docker containers all the way down…)


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