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So why is nobody doing this professionally?

Because HA has no sufficient separation between the frontend and the backend. The platform itself is stable, but the user-experience cannot be isolated

The result of a professional delivery of a HA-solution would not be the product "HA", but the custom solution that was built on top of it.

Once deployed, the solution cannot follow the maintenance cycle of the HA-backend without risking to break the frontend experience of your customer, which means unpredictable work-hours to maintain the solution (get stuff to work again, rebuilding broken functionality using new methods, etc.)

To use it professionally, one of the biggest needs would be that the frontend versioning is decoupled from the backend, so a professional could deploy your custom solution based on HA version A with frontend version A, and regardless how often HA is upgraded to version B, C, D, X, the frontend will still be version A until it is manually migrated (possibly as a paid maintenance service).

But what this means is, that alot of development effort would need to be put into backwards-compatibility to older frontends and testing of all the permutations whenever a new release of the backend is done.

The (reasonable) decision of the community is to not do that, and instead put the energy into evolving HA as a whole.

But yeah, I wouldn't want to deploy this professionally and be in fear every time a new version is released...

Perhaps due to demand and the variety of system compositions possible.

I have been using HA since early days. If i have to pay someone to build it, i would be very poor. The amount of time and effort put into it, it’s insane. And environment changes regularly.

So i think there is no professional service because of the high complexity and the customers don't have much budget for this.

It is possible to assemble very specific setup of hardware and configuration that could work out of the box. Kinda like a HA distribution that has been tested rigorously against a predefined set of supported hardware systems.

Harder to sell the service contracts when the user has that much control?

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