Have you heard the question "Is this a feature or a product?"
When you see something that is put together by less than 6 people in a 24hr to 3 months how much there is really there? Less than a single person year's worth of work. Look at more durable companies, they are more like 100 person years of work. So you build something with two decimal orders of magnitude more challenge, it is harder to clone.
I completely agree that copying the Javascript off a site and hosting your own version on AWS or some other service is really sleezy. Just like painting the same mural as the guy across the street, making the same dishes as the restaurant down the street, Etc. But it is the nature of things that if you can easily copy it, well there will be copies made. Go for the concept that requires a bit more setup.
As an entrepreneur, expect to be cloned. People will see what you've done, they will copy it, fight that by being on the 'next' thing as the current one releases. Following a fast moving company that executes well is really really really hard.
When you see something that is put together by less than 6 people in a 24hr to 3 months how much there is really there? Less than a single person year's worth of work. Look at more durable companies, they are more like 100 person years of work. So you build something with two decimal orders of magnitude more challenge, it is harder to clone.
I completely agree that copying the Javascript off a site and hosting your own version on AWS or some other service is really sleezy. Just like painting the same mural as the guy across the street, making the same dishes as the restaurant down the street, Etc. But it is the nature of things that if you can easily copy it, well there will be copies made. Go for the concept that requires a bit more setup.
As an entrepreneur, expect to be cloned. People will see what you've done, they will copy it, fight that by being on the 'next' thing as the current one releases. Following a fast moving company that executes well is really really really hard.