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Largely because that's the list of places where housing is super expensive:


  #2 California    $554K
  #3 Massachusetts $422K
  #5 Colorado.     $397K
  #6 Oregon        $361K
  #8 New Jersey    $335K
  #9 New York      $322K
  #10 Maryland     $308K
  #13 Rhode Island $300K
  #25 Maine        $242K
And where income is highest:


  #1  Maryland      $90K
  #2  Massachusetts $89K
  #3  New Jersey    $89K
  #5  California    $85K
  #9  Colorado      $82K
  #14 New York      $74K
  #15 Rhode Island  $74K
  #18 Oregon        $71K
  #32 Maine         $64K
People are moving out because it's desirable to live there and hence there's a lot of competition for housing. If you're not one of the top earners in the state, you can increase your relative standard of living by moving somewhere where it's cheaper.

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded"

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