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I remember this book having the concept of people running at different time scales so people in “the real world” would run at 1x and simulated people would run at whatever fraction they could afford. And they could speed up temporarily to have conversations back to real world.

This made me think that sometimes our physical brains speed up and can run at 2x but still only get I/o at 1x. It will be neat that I think at some point we’ll be able to boost up to like 1000x with implants or whatnot and think about something that doesn’t require any new information and then return to the present with insight to continue the conversation.

I hope this is affordable because it will be so handy for many things. If even to just spend more time staring at the Mona Lisa and contemplating.

It also makes me wonder how people age in fiction where people can freeze time. If someone freeze time for a year, does their body keep aging biologically?

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