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It was published in 2005 -- actually I wrote the 9 novelettes that went into it from 1998-2003 (they were originally published in Asimov's SF magazine from 2002-2004 before I assembled and rewrote them to make the book).

Not going to lie, getting a comment from THE AUTHOR of a book I greatly enjoyed is now one of the highlights of my 10+ years of being on HN!

I should add: every time I hear the phrase "state vector" I think of Accelerando.

Thank you for your work! Last time I praised Accelerando on HN you commented that I should read The Rapture of the Nerds. I read it shortly after and loved it!


Blew my mind in the best way. Thank you.

There's a line in there that feels like it could pop up in a permutation city sequel:

> ... running a timing channel attack on the computational ultrastructure of spacetime itself, trying to break through to whatever's underneath...

Does that idea come up anywhere else in your work? If so, I'd go read it.

Scratch Monkey may have some vague notions along those lines, if I remember rightly: https://www.antipope.org/charlie/fiction/monkey/index.html

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