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> it does what I want it to

This is Spotify's main advantage: most people already have it installed, and it's good enough if you don't care that much about the podcast-listening experience.

I was in this boat. Now I'd really like to get off. The UI is bad but I got used to bad. But I've been asked to change my password *checks email* 10 (!) times in the last few months. I don't share my password with anyone, but I do use a VPN.

Anyways, I can't seem to find a suitable alternative that will keep track of my listening progress across both linux and iOS.

> if you don't care that much about the podcast-listening experience

What is so special about podcast-listening experience that you would need a specific player for?

Chapter support, playback rate control, smart speed (skips silences), voice boost, a UI that’s less horrific than Spotify’s are the main things for me.

Did they really invest in Rogan and podcasts just to keep their existing customers? I thought it was to entice podcast connoisseurs to the Spotify platform, who WILL care about podcast listening experience?

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