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Bike Racks Map Australia (bikeracks.me)
22 points by arctic_relegate 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Pretty sure there's a bike rack in every town with a school. Your 'Almost*' has towns like Lismore (2 public high schools), Casino (1) and Murwillumbah (2 schools and bike rack on main street) all without racks

Good idea, how did you gather the data?

Some of it is not entirely accurate, but that's okay, on a glance around my area I would say it is reasonably accurate.

The site loads https://storage.googleapis.com/bikebucket123/BikeRacksWithAd..., which looks like a dump of OpenStreetMap data.

I'm guessing they're just rendering the amenity=bicycle_parking entries.

[1]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dbicycle_pa...

The site is missing attribution, then, which is required by OSM's license (see https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright )

Came here to say this - looks awfully like OSM data and no attribution.

I'm also not clear on whether Google likes displaying OSM data on their map; it's a strange combination. I can't ever remember seeing "Copyright Google, Copyright OpenStreetMap contributors" in the footer of a page.

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