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New YC startup: Send photos from your phone to your blog, MySpace, etc. (heysan.com)
15 points by herdrick on March 13, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

A few critiques:

1. Get your TOS rewritten by a lawyer, pronto. Several sentences aren't even grammatical. Don't ever say "we will" in a document like this. Use "may" or "reserve the right to" instead. IANAL but I suspect that your current language is causing you to forfeit your claim to being a common carrier.

2. You don't need my email address. Let me just provide a username instead; or better, OpenID.

3. Make it more clear that the tab on the bottom right expands into a menu. I didn't realize it until I dragged my mouse over it by accident.

4. Let me change the address to which I can send photos, or at least generate one that's easier to remember.

5a. The text "How it Works" needs to be a link to a prose description.

5b. The "How it Works" image needs to be less artistic. When you see something drawn in that sort of style you expect it to be decorative, not informative. I didn't realize that it was intended to convey information until I tried to click on it and nothing happened, and then looked closely at it.

thanks for your feedback!

1. Valid critique. We're working on it but didn't imagine many user reading it at this point.

2. We'd love to try OpenID but it's complicated concept for many users. You can totally create a slideshow without giving us your email, today. If you give us your email we'll auto-post it to myspace so you don't have to

3. Look out for changes here

4. On the roadmap for the next couple of weeks

5. Yep

6. Agree, it's a question of how much time we had at that point.

thanks again!


I blogged this - and used it - here: http://herdrick.blogspot.com/2007/03/heysan-blog-slideshows.html

Summary: I like.

Thanks Ethan! We're launching a new version of the slideshow today with support for desktop upload. Other sources will follow.

- Gustaf, heysan!

Great site gustaf. I love the simplistic UI and one page sign up. Here is a minor fix: increase the window size of your "terms of service" page. It is hard to read when the user has to scroll both vertically and horizontally :)

thanks, we will add that to the release later this week. how do you think auto-post to myspace works?

nice one. Be interesting on a citizen journalism level. Take photos from different places in the world and mix them with news feeds and get perspective of users on the ground. Could see people subscribing to heysan for the on the groundlevel photos. Looking forward to how this plays out :)

for us it was simpler then that, we just tried to answer the question, how do I easily add photos to my myspace-page from my mobile phone or other sources. stay tune for more exciting features though

It would be nice if I could do something without having an account. Take a tour or play with a demo perhaps.

you mean without having a myspace account? you can always grab the embed code if you want

iLike picked up a similar startup, Fotodunk, last Spring -- simple idea, but very slick execution.

there are a couple of people who've tried this before. simplicity is key, and I'm not saying heysan is simple in every way, but we just try harder than some others

Once you upload a photo, you can never take it down.

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