An interesting one I made recently is related to a game published a couple of days ago here in HN called "infinite craft"
The game does not have any save mechanism, so I made a bookmarklet that loads and autosaves to localStorage
const importState = (state) => {
const { discoveries, elements } = JSON.parse(state);
const gameInstance = window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data;
gameInstance.discoveries = discoveries;
gameInstance.elements = elements;
/* Set up a MutationObserver to listen for changes in the DOM and automatically export the current state. */
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
const state = exportState();
localStorage.setItem('gameState', state);
/* Start observing DOM changes to auto-save the game state. */
const startObserving = () => {
const targetNode = document.querySelector('.sidebar');
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
/* Check for a saved state in localStorage and import it if available. */
const savedState = localStorage.getItem('gameState');
if (savedState) importState(savedState);
else localStorage.setItem('gameState', exportState() );
The game does not have any save mechanism, so I made a bookmarklet that loads and autosaves to localStorage
javascript:(function(){ const exportState = () => JSON.stringify({ discoveries: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.discoveries, elements: window.$nuxt.$root.$children[2].$children[0].$children[0]._data.elements });