The state of electronics tooling has long been extremely bad - 99% of people who put a regulator into their schematic will want an appropriate input and output capacitor as the datasheet demands. 99% of people who put a microcontroller will want a crystal and a programming port and a reset pin pull-up. It's only because of closed source tools stuck in the stone age that the state of the art is to copy out of a PDF.
And multiple people working on the same design and merging their changes? Forget about it!
It'll be very exciting if we can move towards a more modular world, where designs can be composed.
> It's only because of closed source tools stuck in the stone age that the state of the art is to copy out of a PDF.
Not really. KiCad is open-source and a very capable EDA suite, for example.
The problem is that it's a really hard problem for which no one-size-fits-all solution exists. There's basically an infinite number of properties which are important when designing electronics, many of which will have to be nudged depending on your design. Capturing all that in a data format is virtually impossible, and any attempt to do so is likely to degrade into something unusual quite quickly once you get past the trivial stuff.
In my experience reading it out of a PDF is usually not that big of a deal, once you get used to it. For things like schematics symbols and footprints there are data interchange formats available - and there's a pretty decent chance these days they'll be openly available for the part you are using. But they always contain mistakes, and I find it way faster to just roll my own from the PDF than to copy it ready-made from a 3rd party and fix the errors.
> The problem is that it's a really hard problem for which no one-size-fits-all solution exists.
Not really, IME.
Let's say I want a SMPS. Something basic, say 12-24v in 3.3v out at 1A. I can buy a module and solder it onto my PCB, or copy a reference design out of a PDF, or vendors like TI have tools like webbench to help me generate a custom design.
The vendor wants to hand me a proven design and have me buy their chips. I want to be handed a proven design and know my project's going to work right first time. But no, the likes of Altium have got to have their vendor lock-in by making copy-and-paste absolutely as difficult as possible.
There's no great skill or inventiveness in me drawing out the world's billionth SMPS design. I'm not "solving a hard problem" - it's drudgery.
> and there's a pretty decent chance these days they'll be openly available for the part you are using. But they always contain mistakes,
So you'd agree, then, that when a human copies from a PDF manually there's a substantial chance of them introducing errors?
Are you and I not equally vulnerable to making such mistakes? Frankly I find it absurdly wasteful that the industry has transistors in the same package but with different pinouts and the 'solution' to keeping this stuff in order is... senior engineers checking junior engineers' work against PDFs manually.
For sure, we definitely subscribe to works out of the box / path most taken. We have been working on adding equations to our language so we can solve component values based on requirements like output current and ripple for a regulator to get cap values for example. I hope in the future our component models will capture a good fraction of the info you have to go to the datasheet for today.
Yeah, trying to learn KiCad is worse than learning Blender. If JLCPcb made a simple online editor that sourced from available parts and integrated directly with their store they'd be running out of banks to put their money into.
They do have this, its called EasyEDA. In my experience its not as good as kicad and definitely not as good as the 'professional' tools like cadence and altium. Our tool does basically do that though! We have a big library of kicad components that can be used in your designs as well as an import just about any JLC component just using its JLCPN. We love their service, would love to see that model proliferated to other companies also, so hard to beat having parts available and in stock.
> Yeah, trying to learn KiCad is worse than learning Blender.
I dunno. I've used others, and KiCad was no harder to start with than the others (Horizon, LibrePCB, Lepton/gEDA, some others I forgot).
I asked for recommendations a week ago on HN for EDA products, and tried them all.
You know which one I eventually settled on? The one with the most components (symbols + footprints).
Turns out, features are nice (rules checker, etc) but not having to f*&^ing create my own symbols for a mass-produced part, then design the footprint for the same part is a huge timesaver.[1]
For many of us non-professionals designing a board, the UI just isn't as big of an issue as having to create our own components.
[1] At any reasonable hourly rate, having to create a library of just 1 component costs more than whatever you think you'll save with a slicker UI.
Because every CAD, which has traditionally been dominated by commercial solutions invents their own file format for lockin.
On top of that semiconductor vendors don't want to hire people to draw symbols in every possible cad solution.
So you instead have them release symbols in some preferred tool, maybe they also outsource to third party services like UltraLibrarian. There problem with the third party services is they do the laziest conversions possible between format using scripting and often do a horrible job.
> Because every CAD, which has traditionally been dominated by commercial solutions invents their own file format for lockin.
This doesn't really explain why creators of new CAD programs (Horizon and LibrePCB are new) invent new data formats.
We've seen time and time again, in every digital domain ever invented, that the most important thing is the dataset.
It doesn't really matter how nice the library manager is if what it manages has limited availability - and no, asking for a community to pitch in and help with the duplicated work is not a solution.
The solution is to pick the largest library and use its format.
In our tool, just give it a part number and it will find and download the footprint and create an ato file for the component.
We currently support components on JLC, but eventually plan to build out a pretty substantial library. We will also capture a good fraction of information that you would currently need to go to the datasheet for.
I wanted to give your tool a good look before I responded, hence why I am responding so late.
Anyway, my 2c worth:
> In our tool, just give it a part number and it will find and download the footprint and create an ato file for the component.
I don't think this is scalable (although, for my use, probably sufficient). There are just too many parts that are in existence, and the rate of new part creation is probably higher per day than your staff and/or community can handle.
It's fixable if you have plugins for each EDA tool's format (KiCad, Eagle, etc).
2. I'm very surprised at the language used - it's very unlike what is normally used (s-expressions) in EDA. Lisp-like languages tend to be highly used in CAD applications, so it would clear a lot up if you were to explain what the advantages ato are over a minimal Lisp-like language.
3. The dependency list (in terms of knowledge required) is a dealbreaker for me[1]. I need to know how to manage Python environments, the ato language and YAML?
Since all of the constructs in all of those languages are a subset of (or can be represented by) s-expressions, perhaps it would have been best if you switched to s-expressions only. Then a) there's only one language to learn, b) that language is already syntax-highlighted and c) it's flexible enough for any future features you want to add in (rules definition, rules-checkers, etc).
From what I can see here and now, the ato language would have to see significant changes if it needs to be used for some serious stuff.
Sorry for the negativity, but I wish you all the luck nevertheless.
[1] I looked for a download link, couldn't find one, read a few of the installation instructions, then gave up.
For sure, the way I see the component library is ability to capture progress. In the current paradigm how many times have schematics, symbols and footprints been drawn up for common ICs/circuits? I would expect 100s or in some cases many thousands of times. Our hope is by providing an open source and shareable format we can reduce this. If people really hate code and want to write a tool to convert to altium/kicad/cadence format, go for it! At the same time, I think the way we share component data is pretty dated, PDF datasheets do not adequately capture component information in a way that can be apples to apples compared in any automated fashion, best we have is something like a digikey search. In the future I would like to be able to have much more sophisticated requirements that automated search tools can use to help me find the best components for my use.
Not personally a fan of the readability of lisp, but that is just a personal preference. Our assumption is that python is going to be the most familiar language to our users and following a python like syntax will make picking it up easy. Our language is definately still quite immature and we are still figuring out exactly what it should look like.
There is definitely a little bit of a learning curve at the moment, we do have some getting started videos that walk you through the whole process. If there is anything missing or confusing, please point it out! We do want to make it as approachable as possible. It will only get better from here, I promise!
On the downloading, currently we have the package on pypi, which does make it pretty easy to install from a command line, but I can appreciate that will be new to alot of people. In the future we might do an executable download version.
this resonates. i will share that i'm trying out and having luck with it's not perfect, but for a small hobby project and someone with little experience and not getting far quickly in kicad, it works. i have a pcb in-hand from jlcpcb right now and it works. it also introduces some of the shared features discussed above. (i don't work for them, just looking for something that would let me do a fairly fast PoC)
Oh now this one is interesting, I've given it a short try and the UX is just on another level compared to the usual, I might actually be able to get something done with it. This is what EasyEDA should've been, not the terrible KiCad web clone that it is.
For us hobbyists there's no point in investing years learning something proper like Altium because we won't ever be shipping to production or doing stupidly complex multilayer boards. We need the Tinkercad for PCBs, not Fusion360. Something that can be crude and oversimplified, but quick to use and also simple enough that even middle schoolers can learn it.
As an electronic design engineer, it just feels to me like these kind of things aren't really huge problems day-to-day...
In terms of decoupling designs etc., the reason nobody has come up with a better solution is firstly that it doesn't actually take up enough time in the scheme of things to bother, and secondly that you often have to deviate. For variable regulators for example, the output capacitor (and inductor if it's not included in the device) are chosen based on output voltage, the switching frequency you choose, and sometimes other variables. You often want to deviate from the recommended circuit in the application notes for various reasons.
I'd think of a circuit board production as more like putting together a magazine than working on a software codebase, where you'd have a bunch of people working on overlapping parts of the code.
I mean even for a lot of boards we do (even quite complex ones) we'll just have one design engineer and one layout engineer, but for things where multiple people work on the schematic we just have people work on their own sheets and then somebody brings them together into the final design - kind of like where you might have an overall designer/editor that pulls a magazine together but individual people having put together individual articles. But it's pretty common that it would still be mostly laid out by a single engineer unless you're doing something extremely complex...
We have some plans and atopile already supports some configuration regarding those deviations. There's a component selector which can choose resistors, caps, inductors etc... from a database of known components. Currently it's a free-for-all, but naturally we expect to be able to constrain this to a subset of components like "thing we already use at this company". That database means (once equations are also in) we'll be able to capture those requirements and change those output components depending on the scenario.
The state of electronics tooling has long been extremely bad - 99% of people who put a regulator into their schematic will want an appropriate input and output capacitor as the datasheet demands. 99% of people who put a microcontroller will want a crystal and a programming port and a reset pin pull-up. It's only because of closed source tools stuck in the stone age that the state of the art is to copy out of a PDF.
And multiple people working on the same design and merging their changes? Forget about it!
It'll be very exciting if we can move towards a more modular world, where designs can be composed.