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This isn't a hot take. It's just wrong.

Black Hat is peer reviewed and accepts a tiny fraction of submissions (tracks will accept 3-5 talks out of a typical pool of 20-50). Reviewers --- all of them vulnerability researchers --- barely have time to read outlines and look for any possible excuse to DQ a submission and move on to the next one, and the single most common DQ is "the presenter has a commercial interest in this topic, vendor talk, 1.0 rating".

There is also a giant vendor expo that runs alongside Black Hat, and vendors do whatever they can to stage events that look like Black Hat talks but are not. I submit that you have probably confused those for actual talks. Or: you watched the keynote? I don't understand what the keynote is for.

Here are the actual 2023 talks:


Keynotes are terrible at almost all conferences I have been to. They mostly seem to be there to stroke the egos of management of major sponsors.

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