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> It was nothing carried out by Defcon in any way.

You think insurance providers are capable of doing this level of analysis? They see "hacker conference" in which Defcon may still hold some notoriety in and decide it's a risk.

They are able to. I've worked with AXA and Chubbs before in this space.

I don't think this was done because of cyber insurance

They most likely got bumped to make space for a better paying corporate conference.

Most vendors are now running a Cisco Live/AWS Re:invent type conference, and they've increasingly consolidated on Las Vegas because venue booking and block room booking is much easier there than in any other city in North America.

Also, DefCon has become massive, so the RoI has most likely shrunk due to staffing overhead.

> They most likely got bumped to make space for a better paying corporate conference

This is the occams razor explanation

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