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> I’m biased right now because you assume stuff about me that you maybe shouldn’t.

I only talked about "typical thought processes" because you said "we all" which I assume meant the general population. Didn't assume anything about you.

Even though the base problem was given to me by another, everything I wrote about "what makes a resourceful idiot / how they are a problem" is based on my personal perception of the ones that I've seen. Which is most likely going to be a neurodivergent's impression of certain neurotypicals. AKA biased.

And the "I don't think" was leading a question, not making an assumption about you.

> Everyone’s experiences and thought processes might be starkly different from each other.

...which is I'm so hesitant to believe that everyone is a resourceful idiot.

And why I made a disclaimer about the fact that my own thought processes might be starkly different from not just who I'm describing, but other brains in general.

At this point I don't really know if you understand what 'neurodivergent' means. People who suffer for neurodivergency does not have different mental mappings than those who are neurotypical. Also, the way they construct their own world does not differ from neurotypical.

The mind process you have described is pretty standard, even using some different things to recover information instead of saving it. There is no neurodivergent path of extracting information and there is no neurodivergent understanding of reality or neurodivergent thought process.

This comment is puzzling to me on several levels, but I'll just go to the centre of the topic. Do you feel that something needs to be addressed about the way LoganDark disclaimed that they were biased on account of their neurodivergency?

How did you jump from

> At this point I don't really know if you understand what 'neurodivergent' means. People who suffer for neurodivergency does not have different mental mappings than those who are neurotypical. Also, the way they construct their own world does not differ from neurotypical


> Do you feel that something needs to be addressed about the way LoganDark disclaimed that they were biased on account of their neurodivergency


Well, why is he talking about what neurodivergency means? Why does it matter in this comment thread? I don't see what he wants to say, so I ask.

maybe they think the disclaimer was unnecessary or misguided if there's no actual difference between neurotypical and neurodivergent there?

I think your disclaimer is fine, I just wondered where Malcolmlisk wanted to go with his comment.

> People who suffer for neurodivergency does not have different mental mappings than those who are neurotypical. Also, the way they construct their own world does not differ from neurotypical.

You would be surprised.

> The mind process you have described is pretty standard, even using some different things to recover information instead of saving it.

Well, I'm glad that it seems accurate at least. I was trying to describe a "standard" process, after all.

I should let you know, though, that my brain doesn't work that way. Reason why I say I'm biased is because I don't see what I described as a particularly interesting way to live life, so my description of it might be overly cynical / insulting.

> There is no neurodivergent path of extracting information and there is no neurodivergent understanding of reality or neurodivergent thought process.

I don't know about a neurodivergent path of extracting information either, but you should know for a fact that certain neurotypes, such as autistic ones, do have a different thought process than normal.

When I think about something, my brain will also pull up every possible related thing and assemble an entire picture for me automatically. This is usually called something like "increased associative ability". I'm just very good at considering very large quantities of facts simultaneously.

It's not the same as being reminded of something I know. It's recalling every thing I know simultaneously that could possibly have any effect or be related in any way. Anything that could possibly have relevance.

I get that "for free" as a part of my neurotype. A neurotypical person would likely have to do that consciously or go through some sort of mental process in order to reproduce the same result. I don't have to do that. It happens automatically and instantly.

But because it happens automatically, I can end up looking really awkward because I tend to not be conscious of my processing delays. For example, someone asks me a question, I go "what?" and then give them an answer anyway before they can repeat it. For a second I thought I didn't hear the question, but it was just processing in the background.

Everything processes in the background for me. Thoughts just evolve on their own, draw from relevant memories on their own. All I really have to do is watch.

Try telling me that everyone's thought process works that way.

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