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I don’t think this is a bad idea per se (after all a fundamental principle of the open web is that the user should control the browser). However, although your suggestion is fun, it is mere civil disobedience for geeks.

The million dollar question is: how do you deliver those capabilities (a) without having grandmas phone full of spyware and (b) without giving your favorite Silicon Valley thought leader a 40% cut and total control of the ecosystem?

I don’t have the answer. Just trying to formulate the problem.

> The million dollar question is: how do you deliver those capabilities (a) without having grandmas phone full of spyware and (b) without giving your favorite Silicon Valley thought leader a 40% cut and total control of the ecosystem?

That seems orthogonal? Grandma's phone has the same spyware either way, but this makes it a toss up whether it can spy on anything real

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