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I'm so excited about the malleable software / local-first / local-AI crossover, I feel like we are at the dawn of a new era of software. If we play our cards right, we can bring back control of our data from the large corporations, have ownership, and more control of how we work.

I'm particularly interested in how general purpose CRDT toolkits like Automerge and Yjs could become the backing filetype for local-first software with interoperable sync/collaboration backends. The user can then have direct access to the underlaying data via standard tooling. Files can be linked, embedded within each other, forked and merged.

We could have a new hypermedia platform built on this, where all documents are possible to be shared, forked, edited in realtime...

Basically, love what you are all doing at Ink and Switch, excited to see what you publish next.

taking back control from evil corporations is a funding/finance problem, not a technology problem. Everyone dreams of democratized ownership until they have to pay the huge developer salaries. and the go to market costs are even higher than that, all channels are saturated and you have to be louder than the noise.

It’s absolutely a technology problem. The hacker mentality is still the one who innovates and a single person is more than enough to make a significant contribution towards a very different future. That person is probably already working on it.

And here I will interject and argue a third point that it's primarily an organizational problem, and I am already working on it.

Not ready to spill the beans yet though on my projects, first have low back surgery tomorrow to get an artificial disc put in between L5-S1 - and will see how much my overall pain goes down, and how much my productivity can go up - before knowing when I can make any public announcements.

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