I feel like a lot of these answers come from a circa-2010 understanding of JS, that haven't updated to the present.
By analogy, if we answered this way about mobile phones, it'd be like someone asking 'how should I do mobile development?' and someone else responding 'good luck, you have to pick between Windows phone and Blackberry and Palm and iPhone and ...'
In 2024, that's easy: you develop for iPhone and Android, and if you have to pick one, make it iPhone. Simple.
Similarly, for JS, you pick React Native. It's dominant and the alternatives are like infinitesimals - so small you can ignore them.
"What about..." Again, you're thinking of the options that lost. It's 2024, React Native won. So you just use React Native. It's not complicated.
By analogy, if we answered this way about mobile phones, it'd be like someone asking 'how should I do mobile development?' and someone else responding 'good luck, you have to pick between Windows phone and Blackberry and Palm and iPhone and ...'
In 2024, that's easy: you develop for iPhone and Android, and if you have to pick one, make it iPhone. Simple.
Similarly, for JS, you pick React Native. It's dominant and the alternatives are like infinitesimals - so small you can ignore them.
"What about..." Again, you're thinking of the options that lost. It's 2024, React Native won. So you just use React Native. It's not complicated.