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Riffing on crafting pipelines by combining tools...

Org mode can also export html and markdown, so that's three potential pandoc inputs, with potentially different properties. All of which might be massaged before input. And in extremity, an org-mode parser permits emitting customized input. Then pandoc's parsing and filters permit altering the pandoc ast in flight. And the ast isn't hard (assuming comfort with ASTs), so if some other tool has templates and output one likes, one might skip the pandoc backend and emit it oneself from pandoc ast json. Rather than hoping to persuade that other tool to both accept and generate what's needed.

So for instance, last year I had a project written in a project-specific markdown dialect, kludged to pandoc-flavored markdown, parsed with `pandoc -t json`, and html emitted custom from the pandoc ast. With embedded directives from dialect to emitter. And html templates copied from non-pandoc tools. In a language with nice pattern matching (julia's Match), the emitter was a short page of code.

"Avoid reinventing wheels, but sometimes it's easier to assemble a satisficing custom vehicle, than to find and adapt a previously-built one."

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