I do honestly wonder what the next step is for folks like me who are affected by this. Does Philips pay my future medical bills if I get sick? Or do I just get a "we're sorry"?
See a pulmonologist and let them know you’ve been potentially inhaling micro-foam from this device, see if you can document your lung progression from healthy to diseased if that foam dust is just sitting in the lungs.
Yeah make sure you share the FDA link with them so they take you seriously and don’t think you are a hypochondriac or psychosomatic. Get the lung X-rays and copy of scans (whatever imaging they recommend) and save it in the cloud and in a safe.
This evidence can pay off big time if, god forbid, you have lung damage taking years off your life, but look up statute of limitations and talk to a bunch of personal injury lawyers for product liability cases, etc. Good luck and I’ll be checking in on my folks that have a machine as well to do the same.