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I love playing with color. This is another nice tool. Here are few other good alternatives/otpions;

- https://adevade.github.io/color-scheme-generator/

- https://colorcolor.in (do not generate tailwind directly but a well done one)

- http://colormind.io

- https://uicolors.app/create

For a long time, I've been on the lookout for the perfect color tool, but so far haven't found it yet. Something that lets you get as advanced as what's presented by this library: https://colorjs.io/

Colour Science is one of the more serious projects I know of, and more or less lets you get as advanced as you want. Used by film professionals among others. https://www.colour-science.org/

How would you define what the perfect color tool is? I would guess like most tools that it depends entirely on the job at hand, and that maybe no one perfect tool can exist. Colour Science might be great at serious color management and perceptual measurements and conversions between standardized color spaces, but not the right tool for a web developer looking for quick & easy way to make an HSV palette generation widget (and not because Colour Science is Python, but because it’s too big and heavy of a hammer).

I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for, to be honest. I have this vague feeling that I'll know it when I see it. A lot of tools are attractive and provide unique features, but I don't think I've ever come across one where I immediately say to myself "yes! this is going to be my day-to-day professional tool." Nothing has quite hit that mark with me.

Colour Science looks neat though, I'll check it out. Thank you!

If you’re up for talking about it, I wouldn’t mind hearing what color things you do day to day, and what kinds of things your current tools aren’t able to do, or don’t do very well. What’s on your wish list for a color tool?

Likewise - in design systems like Shopify’s Polaris the tints across the entire color range have perceptual uniformity using something like HSLuv.

I’d love to find a color tool that generate tints along the same lines given an set of initial starting colors.

Does colorjs allow you to do that do you know?

That sounds plausible, yeah. The Color object is space-agnostic, so you can take any set of colors and interpolate their lightness/luminosity/value using any color space you prefer.

So something like this:

  Color('#123').lch[0] *= 1.2

What's going on with that page? I haven't check thr code but it drops my frame rate through the floor.

I also haven't checked their code but it reminds me of the awful "smooth scrolling" trend that was popular on a lot of websites a few years back and implemented with unperformant synchronous JS attached to an onScroll event with no denouncing. I just assumed it was the same on that site.

I'd like to recommend https://github.com/ardov/huetone (https://huetone.ardov.me/)

It has a unique UI that I haven't seen before in similar tools, allowing you to see the relative L/C/H across all of the colors in the palette using graphs. It makes it much easier to create a palette that looks cohesive.

This one is great!

This is really cool.

The site seems kind of slow loading these days but I have always been fond of https://www.colourlovers.com

These are great! Here are my personal curations / additions of go-to color links (general color theory stuff):

- https://paletton.com/ palettes with color theory and can generate the entire scheme.

- https://medialab.github.io/iwanthue/ I want hue, uses k-means to separate out colors, great for graphs and getting contrast on those.

https://huehive.co is another tool that lets you generate and visualize color palettes using ChatGPT.

colormind.io is great! They have a free API you can use to get random color palettes.

I was using it to get random (and hopefully pleasant) color schemes awhile back when you could still run Twitter bots for my cheesy “JustTriangles” bot [1].

[1] https://twitter.com/JustTriangles

do you know a tool that uses OKHSL/V instead of hex? Like colorcolor.in uses such a color space, but then all the overlays are still in hex, so there is this break between input and output

You meant the "Overlay" (bottom-left) to have HSL option too? Btw, if you open an issue/request with the right context, Saneef will look into it. I will nudge him if that makes sense.


Yes, so if I start a palette at Lightness 100 and end at Lightness 0, I should see these numbers in the resulting colors

In this specific example the starting color is still not ff, but f9 due to some easing interference (though I'd expect a function x=0 y=0 to not do anything for the very first color), but even then you still see a clear connection, and if you had 10 steps you'd see ~10 lightness point increase in each palette color

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