They aren't "lashing out" because of the content of the post, but rather the Reddit-level (and yes, thought-terminating, unnecessarily antagonistic and comically reductive) quality of your comment that somehow still doesn't actually contribute anything to the conversation.
> Almost as if people don't want to hear a health-based solution may work.
Yes, may, not will. And there’s an entire academic discipline dedicated to figuring out what solutions people ought to try. This forum is not part of said discipline.
I'll keep it short on why folks are probably downvoting you.
I'm super fit. Probably one of the worst sleep apnea scores. Others like me, this advice will just mislead them (possibly kill them, as sleep apnea does kill).
But for those it will work on, the machine will help! Sleep apnea is a killer of motivation to workout, it destroys the body's ability to recover (and messes with metabolism / mood). So it's a vicious cycle. The sleep apnea makes you gain weight, the weight makes the apnea worse, and so on and so on.
So use the machine, exercise if you can to try and reduce your score if you are overweight, but don't feel bad about needing help to break the cycle. And in the end, you still might need it, just like folks need glasses to see. It sucks that this can happen with something as fundamental as sleep, but I've come to accept it.
I'm not disputing any of that, was just angry about someone offering information about how they found relief - and receiving a bunch of downvotes for it from trolls who didn't appreciate the method that worked for them.
Your comment is way more ridiculous than it might appear at first glance, despite how ridiculous it appears at first glance.
For example, pretty much anyone who looks even slightly unhealthy will repeatedly be told by their doctors about a healthier lifestyle with or without sleep apnea. Never mind doctors. People around them will remind them constantly. And never mind the people around them. The person knows already knows themselves.
So the idea that the OP has made some brave out of the norm recommendation (and this is not a criticism of theirs since unlike you they’re not haranguing other people but relaying their own experience) by suggesting a healthier lifestyle is laughable.
But what makes it even worse in the case of sleep apnea is that sleep apnea itself is a massive drag on living a healthier lifestyle. If a person is unable to sleep properly because they are waking up 30-40 times every hour at night because they’re essentially suffocating themselves each time, it’s almost impossible for them to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s almost impossible to have the energy during the day to exercise, self control when eating goes out of the window, and even if they somehow make a superhuman effort to eat and exercise well, the lack of sleep means their exercise recovery will be poor and they are far more likely to significantly injure themselves while doing exercise, and the subsequent rest to recover from the injury will push them right back to 0.
So yeah, your comment is way dumber than how dumb people who recognize it as dumb will think it is.
The post I was responding to said this helped them cure sleep apnea, but it was being heavily downvoted. Almost as if people don't want to hear a health-based solution may work. You lashing out adds proof to this.
The two people you've accused of "lashing out" at you weren't doing that - you wrote a sarcastic comment (for the reason you've explained, seeing the comment you replied to get downvoted - but that context was gone once the comment you replied to stopped being a downvoted one) and they weren't sure whether or not you were being sarcastic, hence their replies to you. Neither of their comments suggest they have anything against healthy living.
If you're not trolling, you've genuinely just misread the room. One of them just said "I'm guessing this is irony." and surely you would agree that your first comment was ironic? You were using irony to mock the downvoters, you don't actually think "How dare you propose a healthier lifestyle instead of a machine or app to solve this problem", as you clarified in your next comments, but to strangers online who don't know you they have to guess (or, as they did, ask) whether you're being ironic/sarcastic or not.
It's incredible you can interpret somebody asking if you were being ironic - in response to a comment you wrote intentionally to be ironic, but without making that clear - as being "passive aggressive".