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Old inspect features are still available without paying, although they were moved in the UI to make space: https://www.loom.com/share/d4f9856c04f24818913d1de8ecb2a08c

That's good to know. However, there was a ton more information that existed in the right hand panel that was pretty important for translating design to code that is now removed.

For as long as I've used Figma, I've been able to view the underlying CSS. This is no longer there. I can get it, but I have to copy/paste it somewhere else to see it. Very annoying. This existed before "dev mode" was a thing. I think it's fair game if you want to make this experience better in "dev mode" to differentiate, but to take away a feature like that is and then try to upsell it a money-grab IMO.

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