The challenge being, who else could possibly handle Cloudflare's requirements? I imagine the next step is to build their own, and that's obviously not an easy pill to swallow.
Why not? Cloudflare already operates a system that can help customers to require SSO for access to their services — why not try to capture more of that vertical by becoming an IdP?
They are, but they don't have management for user accounts, 2fa, etc. You setup a connection to something like Okta, Google Apps, O365, SAML, etc to be your persistent user db and cloudflare just enforces it.
I wouldn't be surprised if they are working on first party IAM user support though.
There are good reasons not to dogfood critical services like that; it can make recovering from unexpected issues much harder if you introduce mutual dependencies.
For example, if Slack devops team were to exclusively communicate over Slack, then a Slack outage would be much harder to resolve because the team trying to fix it would be unable to communicate.