They were sitting on this amount of money for over ten years and couldn’t spend it without leaving a paper trail, and Germans are pretty good at paper trails. It’s “taxes, taxes and taxes” rather than “death and taxes” here.
Personally I would have hosted a German only reverse lottery, where the bitcoins would be divided up between every person that submitted their wallet address and proof of one entry per person with a German identity card. Boom, mass traction of bitcoin in Germany, and you’re god damn Robin Hood. No way the state is going to force millions of people to pay it back.
They were sitting on this amount of money for over ten years and couldn’t spend it without leaving a paper trail, and Germans are pretty good at paper trails. It’s “taxes, taxes and taxes” rather than “death and taxes” here.
Personally I would have hosted a German only reverse lottery, where the bitcoins would be divided up between every person that submitted their wallet address and proof of one entry per person with a German identity card. Boom, mass traction of bitcoin in Germany, and you’re god damn Robin Hood. No way the state is going to force millions of people to pay it back.