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I strongly believe that developers should not ship across an array of distros. First because you probably don't test on them all.

Really, that's the job of the distro/package maintainers. As a developer, you provide the sources of your project. If people want to use it on their respective distro, they write and maintain a package for it, or ask their distro maintainers to do it. That is the whole point of the distro!

Well, I completely disagree. I have a fair amount of users on a wide array of distro who are non-technical - just users, they wouldn't know how to compile something let alone write a distro package. They still deserve to be able to use the software they want without having to change OS.

> or ask their distro maintainers to do it.

This only works if you're using a rolling-release distro. You can't get new packages in the repos of Ubuntu 20.04, Suse Leap, Fedora 30 or Debian Bullseye.

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