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It's not impossible to defend. Here's the former head of Microsoft's Windows division defending it easily:


Thanks for that. That was a great read. It's really interesting to see a perspective from someone that understands that the current state of systems came from years and years of intentionally working within a paradigm and that changing regulations rarely, if ever, consider that paradigm. It really does fundamentally break the "brand promise" as he calls it.

My comment was focused on how I personally feel about this as an Apple user.

I know that there are people in the industry who will agree with Apple on this.

Here's a guy that agrees with the other guy that taking authority away from users is lucrative and desirable. Wow. Shocking.

I see Sinofsky's defense split into these

a) Defending the industry's interests b) Defending US interests c) Defending capitalism

I'd say (c) is the highest calling for someone like Sinofsky. His worldview is that companies like Microsoft should be free to do what they want, as long as they play by (weakly regulated) US rules.

Europe's DMA, like China's Great Firewall, changes the fundamental rules of the playground and put in question the ascendancy of capitalist views and US interests.

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