In Swedens capital region they failed with this too. It's dominated by a system that is largely quite well polished but has some scaling issues that has lead to down times. The region decided to develop their own in cooperation with other regions, but instead of just hiring two-three developers and putting them in a room inside some small hospital, they decided to make a Grand Political Project out of it.
Billions of Swedish crowns later, having written ZERO lines of code, they quietly cancelled the entire thing. This enormous boondoggle didn't even make the news because the waste was all man-hours and consultancy, and not a building or something the media found sexy.
I think a big problem is that politicians need Grand Political Projects to get reelected, but that's not how you build software. Or make meaningful small incremental improvements to science, infrastructure, schools, etc. The incentives are wrong...
Billions of Swedish crowns later, having written ZERO lines of code, they quietly cancelled the entire thing. This enormous boondoggle didn't even make the news because the waste was all man-hours and consultancy, and not a building or something the media found sexy.
I think a big problem is that politicians need Grand Political Projects to get reelected, but that's not how you build software. Or make meaningful small incremental improvements to science, infrastructure, schools, etc. The incentives are wrong...