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And I hope they all go to prison. Used to be you'd be hanged for stealing a horse. Taking a person's means of transport is evil. I am, indeed, a vindictive and violent driver, apparently.

You just wished prison and positively mentioned hanging people in response for relatively harmless activism (tyres can be inflated again, you know). So yes, I think you are violent, at least when cars are mentioned.

To be clear, deflating tyres is illegal, but most successful activism campaigns are. I support the cause they're fighting for, unnecessarily huge cars hurt our environment and neighborhoods.

Wishing prison is morally correct. If you read what I was saying as "we should hang people for deflating tires", there may be another issue here.

I think my reaction highlights the clear issue in their thinking. I will never support anything these people want, because they hate me personally. Taking away people's transportation is a bad thing to do, period. If I go kick a bunch of puppies to campaign against people dying, I'm still a bad person.

> Taking away people's transportation is a bad thing to do

Drivers have been taking away transportation from non-drivers for decades. Look at suburbs without sidewalks. Look at winding suburban culs-de-sac that massively increase travel distance and make walking and cycling impractical. Look at the drivers who shout down any attempt to install bike lanes, or those who refuse to fund public transit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqQw05Mr63E

> they hate me personally

Sounds similar to drivers who want to run cyclists off the road. "Get off the road!" "You don't even pay insurance and road tax!" Also sounds similar to drivers who deny pedestrians the right to exist.

Overall, rpmisms, I don't think you appreciate your privileged position as a driver. Society has spent the last century bending over backwards to serve motorists like you. I hope you can develop a sense of compassion for those who are not in a car and are continually subjected to verbal and physical aggression from motorists.

I want better walkability and bicycle paths. I ride a motorcycle, I also have issues with cars acting awfully.

It's still wrong to damage others' property, even if your feelings are hurt. Motorists are the majority of the country, especially geographically. Don't you think more people would appreciate the privilege of being close enough to ride a bike? The real display of privileged behavior is injurious action against moral enemies. I have a lot more tolerance for someone losing their temper, as opposed to what is essentially gentle terrorism.

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