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Here is a May 2011 post of someone who discovered that: https://www.halloweenforum.com/threads/interesting-fact-abou...

And here is someone who recorded audio samples (no idea of the year): https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Listen-to-Light/

Edit: and here is maybe the video you were remembering: a video from June 2011 of someone hooking a speaker to listen to the flickering led: https://youtu.be/753-lkao8l0?si=-WqRRuBH644oKTXG But they don't realize this may be an audio chip as the tune isn't really nice or recognizable.

Thanks! From your second link, there is this text that dates it to mid-2008:

Update 20 Nov, 2009: This additional step was added on 20 Nov, 2009, about a 1+1/2 years after the bulk of this instructable was published.

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