That's really not as simple as you make it sound. Chrome and Playwright record the rules that were used, but if you don't trigger every media query, a lot of useful CSS will be flagged as useless. Also your playwright test needs to hover every element which has a :hover rule and print css will be discarded. You also have to keep in mind that Chrome isn't the only browser, some browser specific css will be ignored. Another example is if you have rules like :nth-child() on a list of results and the html you test it with doesn't have that element right now but an api call might return more result later. These css rule won't get counted.
Also there are some false positives, for example if you set a variable twice and only read it later, then both variable declaration are marked as used while the first one was never read and is therefore useless.
There's to my knowledge no tool that automates this process. I wish there was one.
The only one I found is doei [1] but it's not finished and it just tries on a couple of hardcoded media queries. It's far from a simple problem but I'm sure someone can do it.
Also there are some false positives, for example if you set a variable twice and only read it later, then both variable declaration are marked as used while the first one was never read and is therefore useless.
There's to my knowledge no tool that automates this process. I wish there was one.
The only one I found is doei [1] but it's not finished and it just tries on a couple of hardcoded media queries. It's far from a simple problem but I'm sure someone can do it.