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I read your post on WASM debugging with Emscripten and VSCode[0] just last week, thought it was amazing!

Not quite the same, but tangentially related since we're talking WASM+WASI and VSCode extensions - I have high hopes for the vscode-wasm[1] project. The VSCode extension host is a massive hog, and this seems like a big step in the right direction.

[0]: https://floooh.github.io/2023/11/11/emscripten-ide.html [0]: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-wasm

Yeah, this vscode-wasm thingie is exactly what I'm using to run a command line assembler tool in VSCode. Pretty neat, only downside currently is that it is only available as pre-release, which makes installing extension which depend on vscode-wasm awkward for the user.

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