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Example from OpenAI embedding:

Each vector is 1536 numbers. I don't know how many bits per number, but I'll assume 64 bits (8 bytes). So total size is 1536 * 115K * 8 / 1024^2 gives 1.3GB.

So yes, not a lot.

I still haven't set it up so I don't know how much space it really will take, but my 40K doc one took 2-3 GB of RAM. It's not pandas DF, but in an in-memory DB so perhaps there's a lot of overhead per row? I haven't debugged.

To be clear, I'm totally fine with your approach if it works. I have very limited time so I was using txtai instead of rolling my own - it's nice to get a RAG up and running in just a few lines of code. But for sure, if the overhead of txtai is really that significant, I'll need to switch to pure pandas.

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