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In a world where Docker and Kubernetes exist, where whole copies of operating systems are added to each running service...

This seems a weird thing to complain about =)

> This seems a weird thing to complain about =)

On the contrary, I find it relevant: I think that the modern way is wasting way, way too much.

On that respect, we agree.

Yeah but there I can still update vulnerable libraries independently, to be a statically linked system just means that if there is a bug in libpng then I have to recompile everything?

Not recompile I guess, but you need to relink everything.

Oasis seems to have a good way of doing that, with the whole system being built in a single tree by an efficient build tool (my recollection from last time it was posted).

A dynamic executable needs to relink every time it's run, which also takes time.

> if there is a bug in libpng then I have to recompile everything?

You say that as if it's such a burden. But it's really not.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to the space argument, but a package manager/docker registry means that updating software is very easy. And it happens all the time for other reasons today anyhow.

I was under the impression only Gentoo users recompile everything.

In a statically linked system, your dependency manager will update more packages.

And if your program is written in C/C++/Go/Rust, then yes, it will be recompiled.

I use Gentoo, so I am not against rebuild everything, but afaik unless you have static-libs USE flag for something, it's dynamically linked so relinking on rebuilding the dependency is enough, with static-libs the dependent package is also rebuilt

Yes, although it very much depends on how big 'everything' is if that's a problem.

In most cases relinking is enough.

I mean, if you ran every single executable on your desktop in a separate container I think you'd see problems. There are a pretty large number of programs running on most desktops, plus all the programs that get called by shell scripts, etc.

Running a handful of containers representing major applications is more reasonable and the memory wastage may be worth it to avoid dependency conflicts.

You've just described Qubes OS!

Except that QubesOS uses VMs for their security benefits, which are greater than those of containers.

Containers make a lot of sense to me on servers ("deploy a controlled environment"), but often on Desktop I feel like they are used as a solution to "I don't know how to handle dependencies" or "My dependencies are so unstable that it is impossible to install them system-wide", both of which should be solved by making slightly better software.

Each electron app is like that

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