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> 1. Fine-tuning OSS embedding models on your real-world query patterns

This is not as easy as you make it sound :) Typically, the embeddings are multi-modal: the query string maps to a relevant document that I want to add as context to my prompt. If i collect lots of new query strings, i need to know the ground truth "relevant document" it maps to. Then I can use the two-tower embedding model to learn the "correct" document/context for a query.

I have thought about this problem for LLMs that do function calling. And what you can do is collect query strings and the function calling results, and ask GPT-4 - "is this a 'good' answer?". GPT-4 can be a teacher model for collecting training data for my two-tower embedding model.

Reference: https://www.hopsworks.ai/dictionary/two-tower-embedding-mode...

I think the fact that finetuning embeddings well isn't easy is why it's a more useful service than hosted cosine similarity search ;)

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