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even keeping 3 satellites in formation in a single plane, you have to be able to keep station by adjusting in three dimensions.

I can imagine how all of it adds up but still, it's way less than doing it again in 3D in who know in how many years. But maybe you are all right, it's too much for start.

to be fair, i can't imagine that an international group of very smart people with all sorts of PhDs sat around for however many years developing a plan after discussion after discussion would have their idea "bettered" by some rando on the internet. it's just fun to think about and wonder

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39140232 gave you the actual answer why it wouldn't work.

Instead they might consider a second formation in orbit 90 degrees away from the first.

okay, but now you're adding 3 new satellites instead of just one

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