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As the main author of the Merkle Search Tree paper, I'm really glad to see the design become more known and start to be used. I did not go on and build a practical system that made use of the structure, although I originally came up with the data structure while thinking about how to build decentralized social networks and data stores for collaborative applications. Thankfully, the design itself is generic and can be adpted to many use cases, and it's great to see that people have gone as far as to build independant implementations in Go and Rust. I'd be curious to see how it performs in practice, in systems that have a real-world use, and not in the simplistic synthetic benchmark scenario of the paper. Hopefully it holds up to the promise :)

At Martin Kleppman's recommendation, we adopted MSTs for AT Protocol's data repository structures. This isn't my specialty so I wasn't deeply involved in evaluating or implementing them, but my understanding is that the self-balancing was a deciding factor and that everyone has been very happy with the outcomes. You should chat with Dan Holmgren at some point if you'd like to hear about his experience with it. Appreciate your work.

I thought it was really neat when I came across it. There was a detail that I didn't find in the paper (or might have missed).

What if the key you're adding has a lot more (or a lot less) leading zeros in its hash than the number of leading zeros in the current root layer? Do you just add nodes in between the root and the new node? What should go in those in-between nodes?

I think as long as your construction is deterministic, both options are possible: you can either add the intermediate nodes that have only one children, or you can skip adding them and allow links between non-consecutive levels. In that second scenario you would add intermediary-level nodes only when necessary, i.e. only when they actually need to have several children. The second approach is better for performance but might have a bit more implementation complexity.

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