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The YouTube guy Linus Sebastian has a net worth of 85 million apparently.

So he could do it as a hobby if he wanted to.

>The YouTube guy Linus Sebastian has a net worth of 85 million apparently.

Any source on this? I know he said in a video he was offered 100 million to sell Linus Media Group, but I don't remember ever hear him talk about his net worth since he usually keeps this stuff private, as he's always playing poverty and acting cheap everywhere, even though you should drop this act when you own a multi million dollar McMansion with pool and a drive a Porsche Taycan.

Many (edit: self-made) rich people have such habits. It's part of why they are rich.

Investments and assets make you rich, not being overly stingy with pennies, otherwise every coupon snipping grandma would be rich.

There's a correlation that might imply causation: many rich people have "overly frugal" habits. I'm thinking of Warren Buffett, Nicolas Berggruen ("wears shirts until they fall apart"), the Albrecht brothers (founders of Aldi), and others that I'm too lazy to look up now.

I guess it's less common among people that became rich with software - I can't think of a case.

Warren Buffett and the others didn't get rich by wearing tshirts till they fall apart wtf. I also do that and I didn't become rich.

Can we please drop this BS propaganda that Warren Buffett snips coupons and that the IKEA billionaire drives a 30 year old Volvo, propaganda made so that they can seem relatable to the average peasant, when the IKEA billionaire runs a multinational tax dodging scheme to not pay Swedish levels of taxation. That's how you get rich.

You could say they're being frugal through methods that only people making that level of money and business have access to, like setting up shell tax havens and not providing free snacks at work. But this just amounts to saying you need lots of money to make lots more money.

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