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I have one very nice 19" Dell CRT with one of the later stage Sony Trinitron setups (i.e. completely flat screen) that I use with my vintage computer collection (old SGI, Apple, NeXT, etc. systems).

I don't use it often, but I have a moment of terror each time I pull it out to fiddle with something and it takes a moment for the picture to display. So far, thankfully, I've been able to follow that moment of fear with a sigh of relief.

I should probably keep an eye out for a few more decent specimens just to keep in the closet as back ups.

It’s a shame the totally flat ones are so much more prone to geometry issues over time, though it’s an inevitability for all types.

I had a 20” Sony PVM for a while for retro games and still don’t think any display I’ll ever own will match it for that specific purpose. Ended up selling it on because it was starting to have geometry issues itself, and I don’t have the ability to maintain it nor know anyone who does—plus it was hard to find a good space for it anywhere I’d actually want to play games. I do miss it though.

The P1130! I plucked a few of those from the uni trash several years ago. I haven't taken them out of storage recently, but they are indeed a prize.

I have a couple of SGI monitors, broadcast Sony BCM, and half a dozen if not more Commodore monitors. I figured it's still the only thing I will not be able to emulate for quite some time.. at least until 8k+ OLED + a decent shader comes through.

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