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Unfortunately it's the designers that are screwing up the UI/UX of Windows, not the programmers. If you give more time to the designers then you're just going to get more of a clone of OSX rather than something useful.

The OSX dock has almost always supported vertical orientations, nearly as long as the Windows taskbar used to. If they are trying to clone OSX they are doing a miserable job at it in their choices of features to cut.

I don’t use windows often, but I was using it to check some hardware the other day and had to dig through nests of settings to get back to back to what was more or less the display settings screen from the Windows 9x/NT era, albeit with a less efficient layout and lots of superfluous white space.

Unfortunately, macOS has gone this direction as well and it’s settings have become inscrutable. Simple things like using drag and drop to reorder network interface priorities are luxuries of the past. It seems like those designing have never used them and never plan to.

All the while they use OSX themselves and don't feel any of the pain of their half-baked copy.

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