For an enthusiast, it may not be clear exactly what "Static Fire" means. While Static means non-moving, it also means the hissing noise on mis-tuned analog connections, and it's not inconceivable that it has another overloaded meaning.
I think you're misusing that word. A space flight and/or specifically SpaceX enthusiast would recognize the terminology instantly.
Assuming you mean something like "amateur" or "layman", thinking anything without the word "launch" in it is in fact a launch still seems a remarkable leap of illogic.
I can't imagine how the astronauts felt sitting on top of that behemoth. I don't think I'm exaggerating at all by saying that I would've shit my space-diapers long before the countdown reached zero.
I saw a fascinating talk last week from the guy who heads up the NASA vibration lab. According to him there is so much vibration of your head during launch that its damn difficult to read the gauges much make intelligent choices about what to do next. This was a real concern for the Constellation program which had a lot of vibration issues.
This is just a firing of the engines I believe.