So it's fair that CEO is not going to know how an org does its hiring on a day to day basis. It is too much detail. But leadership is a lot about vision (point to where you want to go - with input of course), setting the culture (how do you wanna behave in getting there - ie be a dick? Don't be dicks?), rewarding the right behaviors (promo cultures, rubriks, leadership principles, bonuses etc). Yes they do it through their generals but you get the point.
When I was at Google, I noticed a very large emphasis on process and "homogeneity". Group think was absurdly high - down to the kind of language you were "encouraged" to use at different settings. Amazon in comparison felt like a more direct (albeit brutal) place. You could see the knife coming at you.
This culture may not have been initiated by Sundar but was highly tolerated by him. And he tolerated it because the cash cow wasn't under threat and they kept hoarding decent talent (and keeping them under utilized just so competition doesn't get them) despite not being the highest paying employer.
Yes the coasters and resters and vesters had fun but allowing them to do so is all leadership.
When I was at Google, I noticed a very large emphasis on process and "homogeneity". Group think was absurdly high - down to the kind of language you were "encouraged" to use at different settings. Amazon in comparison felt like a more direct (albeit brutal) place. You could see the knife coming at you.
This culture may not have been initiated by Sundar but was highly tolerated by him. And he tolerated it because the cash cow wasn't under threat and they kept hoarding decent talent (and keeping them under utilized just so competition doesn't get them) despite not being the highest paying employer.
Yes the coasters and resters and vesters had fun but allowing them to do so is all leadership.