Momentum is hard to slow down though. All the new products absolutely have sucked.
At this point though, I don't think layoffs are going to do anything. His approach has fundamentally, and pretty permanently changed Google. It is very easy to ruin the culture of a company top-down, it is nearly impossible to fix it once its been broken.
Google isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it will create strong returns for years to come, but it will no longer be a front-runner in innovation and technology. Although, Google's momentum is no where near as what IBM, Oracle, etc were since they don't have any large-company dependency on them that can't be disrupted.
>Seems to me Search must be yielding like crazy. Android is too. User trust is high. Youtube is booming even though tiktok.
None of which have been built or even improved during his tenure. He's just cashing in on the momentum of the money printers built by those before him. The products shipped under him had flopped.
He was the PM for Google Chrome and Google Drive, and took over the Android org in 2013.
He has essentially proven himself with 2 major product releases and managing an additional major product line, but Google is a different company in 2024 compared to 2014, let alone 2004.
When you're a large public company who's stock is owned by major pension funds, 401k funds, sovereign wealth funds, PE funds, etc Investor Relations becomes the critical function of a CEO.
Seems to me Search must be yielding like crazy. Android is too. User trust is high. Youtube is booming even though tiktok.
I think the man is doing great. At least he is printing real money.