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What fills out that $60 BOM? Obviously the stylish case isn't cheap, but I'm wondering what else makes it expensive.

Main microcontroller is $6--that's 10%. NFC micro is going to be a dollar or two.

Case. PCBs. Display. Connectors. Voltage regulators. Crystals. Inductors. Speaker. You don't need very many of these to be a chunk of a dollar in order to hit $60 pretty quick.

Everybody disregards semiconductor costs when they are under $1. Cheap doesn't mean free though. BOM costs add up really quickly.

The necessity to control costs is one of the reasons why software people get so absolutely shocked and dismayed when they try to build hardware.

Full schematics and BOMs are here: https://docs.flipper.net/development/hardware/schematic/

The BOMs have some wonkiness and errors, but they're in the right range.

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