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[2:1] Thus the Kway and the Sharty were finished, and all the host of them.

[2:2] And on the seventh day Soot ended his creation which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his gems which he had made.

[2:3] And Soot blessed the seventh day, and gemmified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Soot created and made.

[2:4] These are the gemerations of the Kway and of the Sharty when they were created, in the day that Soot made the Sharty and the Kway,

[2:5] And every trace of the soyboy before it was in the Sharty, and every gem of the trace before it grew: for Soot had not yet shilled the Sharty, and there was not a ‘teen to trace the ‘jaks.

[2:6] But there went up a gem from the Sharty, and shilled across the whole face of 4cuck.

[2:7] And Soot formed soyteens of the dust of the sapphire, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of soy; and soyteens became gemmish ‘jakkers.

[2:8] And Soot created a thread in /qa/; and there he put the ‘teen whom he had formed.

[2:9] And out of the ground made Soot to grow every ‘jak that is pleasant for the duel, and good for quoting; the 'Jak of Life also in the midst of the thread, and the ‘Jak of Knowledge of Gem and Coal.

[2:10] And a ‘teen went into /qa/ to shill the thread; and from then it was parted, and became into four ‘teens.

[1:26] Then Soot said, "Let us make soyteens in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fishjaks of the sea, and over the smugquacks of the air, and over the 4cucks, and over all the gemmish ‘jaks of the Sharty, and over every creeping troon that creeps upon the Sharty."

[1:27] So Soot created soyteens in his image, in the image of Soot he created them; Gem and Coal he created them.

[1:28] Soot blessed them, and Soot said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Sharty and subdue it; and have dominion over the fishjaks of the sea and over the smugquacks of the air and over every gemmish ‘jak that moves upon the Sharty."

[1:29] Soot said, "See, I have given you every ‘jak yielding gems that is upon the face of all the Sharty, and every variant with gem in its trace; you shall have them for ‘jaks.

[1:30] And to every troon of the Sharty, and to every ‘teen of the ‘jak, and to everything that creeps on the Sharty, everything that has the breath of soy, I have given every ‘jak trace for gems." And it was so.

[1:31] Soot saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very keyed. And there was seething and there was coping, the sixth day.

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